Welcome to LM-DTI

An online tool to predict the interaction between drug and target gene

Drug–target interaction (DTI) prediction is a crucial step in drug discovery and repositioning as it reduces experimental validation costs if done right. Thus, developing in-silico methods to predict potential DTI has become a competitive research niche.

LM-DTI is a web server for drug–target interactions prediction. It is based on the heterogeneous network data fusion,network embedding and ensemble learning. It can serve the following functions.

1) 1 to all DTI prediction. Input one drug id and it predicts the interaction between the input drug and all the genes in the database.

2) M to N DTIprediction. Input m drug and n genes(up to 100) and it predicts the interaction between the input drug and the input genes.

All analyses are performed at the levels of heterogeneous network topology. The full prediction datasets can also be downloaded in the "Download" page.

Comprehensive usage instructions can be found in the "Help" menu.


Jul 2018: the original LnCompare program is released.
Feb 2019: a stable similar gene discovery module has been established.


Dr. Jianwei Li, school of artificial intelligence, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300401, China
Email: lijianwei@hebut.edu.cn


LM-DTI works on DrugBank id , not drug name.

This website has been tested by using Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Firefox browsers. Microsoft IE may not work well.

Citation: Jianwei Li, Zhiguang Li, Yinfei Wang, Hongxin Lin, Baoqin Wu. LM-DTI:a tool of predicting drug-target associations by node2vec and network path score method.

Download the entire prediction reault for LM-DTi here: table_prediction.

LM-DTI Tutorial

How to run Similar Gene Discovery

  1. LM-DTI can calculate the probability of association between drug and target gene. Here, two ways of prediction are provided: one is 1-to-all prediction (input one drug and calculate the probability with all genes in the database); the other one is M-to-N prediction (input a list of drugs and a list of genes calculate the association probability between them). In addition, a test dataset can also be analysed by clicking the "example" button.
  2. Select the prediction method and input data.
  3. Submit the request by clicking the "Submit" button.
  4. Note: If users choose the M-to-N prediction, the maximum size of each set is 100.

How to interpret results of DTI prediction

  1. Results for interaction analysis. Toggle the number of displayed results according to the indicated cutoffs: top 10, top 20 and top 50.
  2. Thr results are displayed as a table. The drug-target pairs are sorted according to their probabilty, with higher values indicating more likely to be related.


The entire reults table of LM-DTI can be found on the download page, user can click 'table_prediction' link to download it.

Step 1: Select the interaction prediction scenario
(Gene Drug : one-versus-other , 1-to-all; or many-versus-many, M-to-N)

And enter the corresponding input Drug DrugBank ID and Gene Name:

Step 2: Submit